Surprisingly for such a great country very big part of it's population can be qualified like "idiots". This is not just simple desision and I can prove it. Just visit http://www.truechristian.com
and take a look of the site and especially og the mail bag. Most of the people who are writing to the "Pastor Jim" don't realise that all this site is pure sarcasm and it looks to me imposible but very majoirity of the emails demonstrate that. BTW the Pastor Jim very often qualifies his oponents like idiots and they really are. You can have a great fun with this website.
Part of pastor Jim science page LOL
and take a look of the site and especially og the mail bag. Most of the people who are writing to the "Pastor Jim" don't realise that all this site is pure sarcasm and it looks to me imposible but very majoirity of the emails demonstrate that. BTW the Pastor Jim very often qualifies his oponents like idiots and they really are. You can have a great fun with this website.
Part of pastor Jim science page LOL
Christian Science
It is hard to fight the Liberals these days. They have so engrossed their religion of Science into our every day lives. They tell us we can't burn witches or kill Catholics anymore (but we can still burn them in the media). Us True Christians have been forced by the Liberals to give in a little and call The Truth, "Christian Science". Yes, "Science" is Satan's word, but people rather listen to the word "Science". All True Christians know that Science is a silly thing for idiots only. Faith is ALWAYS superior and RIGHT over Science. The Liberals brainwash most people otherwise, but they will all BURN in Hell!!
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