Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How Much Abuse Will You Take from Microsoft?

All this is not a bullshit. As I wrote in my previous post about the results of my Browser test
If you have very important data on your computer you have seriously tink about backups and encryption. However keep in mind that some spyware can track what you are typing on your keyboard and in this manner they can easy catch your passwords etc. When you have really important tings on your hdd is better to migrate to one of all linux distributions. I am not specialist but one of the best distros for beginners is Suse.

May be nice to see site with a lot of screenshots of Linux desktops.

The hall article here >>>,1895,2018629,00.asp

"Take, for example, Internet Explorer. In the latest bad news, the newest zero-day flaw in the Internet Explorer implementation of the Vector Markup Language has opened up a gaping wound in Windows.

Through that wound, every kind of garbage imaginable—bots, Trojan down-loaders, spyware, rootkits—are pouring into Windows systems.

PointerTo read more about the latest Internet Explorer vulnerability, click here.

You think you're safe because you do all the right things in patching your systems?

Think again: This hole exists even in fully patched version of Windows XP SP2 running IE 6."

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