Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Here below my comment on the shelleytherepublican

Finally I found a place where the truth is said with no compromise. I live in Belgium, next to the Nederlands border and I can tell you that it is horrifying. All weekennd the gangs from France are traveling nearby our home to Nederland to buy drugs. Often there can be heard heavy gunfire on the border where heavily armed Hell Angels are fiting with Special forces of Belgium. They use rocket launchers and mashine guns. I even don’t dare to go out my home during the weekend without my bullet proof jacket. And I can tell you that during the week it is not much better. For to have basic impression what is going on I can tell you only that situation from the movie Black hawk down looks like vacation place compare to situation here. I hope one day american marines will arive here to solve the problem.

Take it serious. No shit. Thehehehehe

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